This weekend

What a weekend!

I just presented at a fantastic little salon. I anticipate they’ll become a great group. It’s going to sound bad, but I can’t wait to get referrals from them and see who they know. That will help my business out the most of all.

This was the first presentation I’ve done where I hooked my iPad up to a monitor to present. It showed me that it’s extraordinarily powerful; I just need to integrate more of my presentation into the slides. Currently, all I have in there is the concept of Aflac. My goal is to build individual slides for each policy and then the framework of the presentation to just insert whichever slides I need into.

Raquel and I finally made it to Blackett’s Ridge — our favorite trail in Sabino Canyon. It was a slog and my legs are feeling it today, but it was so amazingly worth it.

The photos I’m posting are from that hike.

The most exciting development right now is that I’m getting a lot of business going. I have 4 restaurants and a couple other stores right now somewhere in the process of getting Aflac. This will lead to Raquel and I being able to get our own place.



Mobile site

Both the private blog and my public blog are now able to be posted via mobile device. I’m stoked.

This blog is my private one and will fill up with the things the average reader shouldn’t read. Or see.


Mobile uploads?

And we’re live!

Okay, got it all updated, backed up, and working.  I’ll integrate it fully with my personal site soon!


Fighting to get this thing exported in a way I can move it to a new system! Upon success, I’ll be able to blog via my mobile devices — keep this damn thing current!