
Okay, this is my first blog entry on WordPress and a long overdue site update.

I really, really, really want to start updating my site regularly.  This is going to be a BIG year and I want to make sure that I document it!

Quick update

I want to give just a basic update on my life and get any first time visitors or long since talked with friends caught up.
First, the bad:
I lost a very dear friend to suicide.
My family’s store lost their main manager, who was a friend of mine, to an intoxicated driver.
A very talented athlete I used to fence with died in a motorcycle crash.
My grandparents were in a pretty nasty car wreck (follow up to this in the “good” section!).
Since the store lost their manager, I’ve stepped in to help them out a few days.  I actually really dislike working there…retail, despite my skill at it, is not my passion.
I haven’t done anything with fire in far too long.

Now, the good:
I have the most amazing girlfriend a man could ever ask for.
My grandparents are recovering well from the car wreck.
I have an amazing support system of friends and loved ones.
I became an uncle.
I love my dogs.
Since taking up a part-time position at the family shoe store, I’ve been able to increase the work I put into my job with the Fortune 200 company.  I’m an independent contractor with them, so I have to create my own business with them.
I’ve further developed my style, skills, and prowess as a photographer and model.
My love for my religion has been rekindled thanks to many factors and I’ve grown so much more knowledgable in it.
I successfully won a productivity contest with my main job to win an iPad, which is just freakin’ awesome.  Oh, it’s made my presentations bomb-diggity.
I’ll expand on this as much as I can, when I get the chance and energy.  I’m going to be keeping this much more current this coming year (no, I’m not going by the Gregorian calendar here, folks). 

Delicious roast chicken

Here’s what you’re going to need (ingredients, duh).
1 3-5lb roasting chicken
4-5 cloves of garlic, depending on size
1 medium tomato
5 small tomatillos, husks removed
1 lemon OR 3-4 small limes
A little olive oil (maybe 3 tbsp?)
Fresh cilantro (6-7 leaves)
Fresh basil (8-10 leaves)
Red pepper flakes to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Salt N Pepa to listen to
A tiny bit of butter

Set your oven to 450º. Also, put on your Salt N Pepa album or cassette.

Slice your tomatillos and tomato into thick slices. Pound your garlic with the side of your knife to release some of the flavor.

In a frying pan with heat to low-medium, melt butter and put the red pepper flakes and garlic in the butter. Let that soak for 2 minutes or so. Turn the heat up to medium high and add the tomato, tomatillo slices, and some salt (~1 tsp) and pepper. Pan roast these until they’re tender then quickly transfer everything over to a small food processor.

In the food processor add the cilantro, basil, rest of the garlic, juice of a lime or a little of the lemon, more red pepper, some olive oil, salt (~1 tsp), and some black pepper. Process it on low until it’s blended yet still chunky. Set aside so it can soak together while you prep the chicken.

Get the chicken and a roasting pan of appropriate size. Do not combine (yet).

Remove giblets from the chicken and rinse out the cavity and outside of the chicken well. Dry both the inside and outside. Place the chicken in the roasting pan breast up. Put the remainder of the sliced lemon or lime in the cavity.

Rub the outside of the chicken with olive oil just to lightly coat. Now top it with the sauce you made and work it into the skin, making sure to cover the entire chicken.

Baking time will be 20 minutes for every pound the chicken is, plus an extra set of 20 minutes.

Place in your 450º oven. After 15 minutes turn the heat down to 375.

Once the time is up and your meat thermometer says it’s at least 160º in the thigh, remove the chicken. Cover with tinfoil for 10-20 minutes to let the juices redistribute.


On Bin Laden

Just for reference, in case you haven’t heard the news, Osama Bin Laden has been killed. Many people are celebrating his death and many people are saying that we should not be jubilant about his death.

I need to put down my thoughts, as that’s what a blog is for, right?

I’ve always believed that if someone sought to kill you, you need to kill them first. Ironically, Judaic dictations and commandments agree. This is a matter of pragmatism, as your life is literally the most precious thing you have. I would say that you “own” but many people don’t seem to take ownership of their lives.

Question: is celebrating the death of someone a dishonorable and immoral act?

Answer: it depends. Losing a life is always tragic to someone. Everyone has those who look up to them, adore them, and love them. When a life is taken it is invariable that it goes unnoticed. With rare exception we must mourn, not celebrate the deceased.

Back to my third paragraph, about exterminating those that seek to kill you.

If all alternative courses of action have been eliminated, you need to destroy those that actively seek your death. This supersedes other options because you cannot fully function under the threat of death. When the one that seeks to destroy you is, himself, destroyed, you should not feel guilt for their death in any form whatsoever. Acknowledgement of the fact that others will feel pain is humane, but this is about the choices of the deceased not the inadvertent consequences that their support group will face.

Celebrating their death is definitely in the grey area of morality, of course. Celebrating the fact you no longer have to worry about that person is obviously justifiable. Celebrating the movement and reclamation of life post-threat is also obviously justifiable. Celebrating the loss of a life, though, has imprecise complications. These complications are where people protest.

With regards to my agnostic, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, and Jewish friends and brethren, everyone in the United States and everyone in Israel, everyone in New York and everyone in Pennsylvania, everyone in England and the rest of Europe, everyone with a hint or degree of moderation in their views, I am not just glad that the top of Al Qaeda is no longer a threat, I’m glad he’s dead.

His death is much more than the death of a man, it’s the death of a symbol and a very, very large step forward in the war against Al Qaeda. Remember, the entire mission which killed him took about 40 minutes, the actual fight that destroyed him took but a couple. The remaining 30-something minutes were spent collecting computers and data, evidence, and other things to help implicate the rest of Al Qaeda’s network of hate and discrimination.

The US Government not only guaranteed Bin Laden’s voice being silenced, they gained priceless information to protect the assets of ourselves and our allies. This, indeed, is cause for celebration.

Long overdue

Wow, I haven’t updated in far, far too long.

First off, all those dates I went on ended up in me finding one very amazing girl. Her name is Raquel and we’re quickly closing in on our 1 month “anniversary.” She’s been an amazing addition to my life and has enriched it in many ways. She’s absolutely beautiful, amazingly compassionate, quite giving, and is as crazy about fitness as I am.

I’ve also started to exercise again. I’m tired of sitting on my laurels and getting soft and undefined. I want my damn definition back! I hope to be able to find a good way to do some leg lifts that isn’t on my back, something more comprehensive and intense for my abdominals.

I haven’t been dancing as much as I’d like, but I’ve been getting more involved in Judaism and hiking. Two things which I didn’t realize I missed so much.

Aflac is going pretty slowly, unfortunately. I should be pulling numbers up this week, or at least seriously setting myself up to pull some numbers next week. We’re implementing a new method of prospecting, so cold calling (my weakness!) will matter less.

After uploading this blog I have to stop by my photography site and update that blog. I’ve had a few shoots which I want to share. 🙂

I even had a second letter to the editor published! It’s “Pearce, Brewer have wrong priorities.”

I’m tired. But less tired than I have been. Things are looking up!