More good stuffs!
Life continues to be entertaining
Life continues to be entertaining
Wow, I’m really not updating this as much as I would like to.
Jacque and I broke up a while ago. A good while ago. We’re still really close and I’m terribly glad to have her as a friend. We run into each other a lot and go out a lot still, but the context has changed. I’m actually really glad to have dated her, despite us breaking up. We ended up closer than we’ve ever been and I really got to see how amazing of a person she is.
Aflac is going well…well enough, at least. I’ve finally conquered my fear of prospecting and having business owners/decision makers shoot me down. That was a tough one to beat. I also landed my first employee presentation on my own. Next step is getting to the enrollment. Quite exciting! I’m also working on a few clients, on should be really good, the other should be really fun.
I had an amazing date last night. We met on OKCupid. She is a really, really amazing person. I picked her up and we immediately hit it off conversationally. She’s the lead singer in a band, majored in vocal performance, is a runner and cyclist, dancer (swing, rumba, chacha, tango), etc. etc. etc. We went to karaoke (her choice, perfect!) and start the singing. Her voice is sublime. Luckily, I was pretty on with my singing, as well.
Her favorite song that I sang was a mariachi song about heartbreak and pain. It’s one of my favorite songs ever. We also did a little duet from Grease (not Summer Nights, dear lord…) and both sang some rock, jazz, and whatnot.
It was just a fantastic night with great conversation and someone who could have potential. Whether or not we end up together, I met a great person. I do have a couple more hopefuls from the site to check out, so there is more to be done, but we’ll see.
I have a couple photos added to my modeling site. There was a huge fiasco on getting those! Basically, I ended up going to a shootout event hosted by someone who tried to start some internet drama with me years ago. Said person stole one of my images in order to promote an event for pay and refused to own up to the fact that she committed copyright theft. Well, at this event she asked me why I thought she was in the wrong, so I explained how she was in the wrong. Her basic argument was that she has been doing what she’s been doing for over 20 years and is significantly older than me, so she knows more. The law is the law, though, and she was in the wrong.
There was a great deal more that went on, but that’s the gist. The most amusing part was her rants on how she threatened to sue me for defamation of character (Ha! Bring it on you salty bitch!).
I really want to go out dancing. I may do that after I make an appearance tonight at a party.
It’s been over a month since I wrote!
In that month Jacque and I have gone on a hiatus.
I’ve had breakthroughs in salsa dancing.
I realized how out of shape I am after starting with Aflac.
I’ve started changing that last sentence.
I’ve done a few photoshoots as a photographer.
I’ve met some amazing people who are beautiful inside and out.
I’ve strengthened my core group of friends.
I’ve been helped by and helped out a team.
I’ve started to realize how much worth I actually have to many people.
And, if you’re reading this, I love you!
I really don’t update this as much as I’d like. Ideally, I’d go for 2-3 times a week, even though nobody reads it. I’m just so tired and busy lately.
Work is slow. It’s hard to get established and it’s hard for me to get going — hence why I’m still sitting at home writing. A bike ride is in order once I finish this entry. I need to get some exercise to clear my mind and focus my head.
I am going to practice a direct sale this evening and go prospecting this afternoon. I’m also attending an open enrollment to see how the district coordinator runs them. It should be a good day.
Next week I have a couple meetings which should pan out to be quite profitable. I can’t wait!
Wow, it’s been too long since I’ve written.
Yesterday was Jacque and my fifth month. I’m so excited to have shared five months of life and emotion and trust with someone so amazing as her. I really am.
I made my first sale through Aflac last week. I received the commission from it today. I had my first employer meeting last week. I had my first employee presentation today. I took second in command on all those — my district coordinator took the reins and showed me the ropes. I have an employee presentation tomorrow, but everyone above me is in Phoenix for the weekend so I get to go at it alone. I’m freakin’ scared, but so damn excited.
I have two employer meetings, one presentation (which may turn into an enrollment), and two enrollments next week. I’m so stoked.
Once things settle down I hope…wait…no…I will get back into a regular workout schedule. As it is, I now have a sporadic riding and swim buddy. She was a sprinter on a swim team, so we both have some things we can learn from each other.
It’s time to go off to celebrate. Life is freakin’ grand.