Easter and beyond

Yesterday, I went to a small family dinner with Jacque. Her mom drove her grandma, Jacque, and me up to Phoenix to have dinner with her aunt and uncle. It was really nice. I quite enjoyed it — it’s not often I get ham!

Anywho, today’s quite a big day for me. I go in at 8 to get my study materials for my insurance license exam. Quite exciting. I’ll probably turn in my two-week notice by the end of the week, if not tomorrow. I’m also working on getting some brochures together to give my regular clients so they have all the information on why I’m leaving and advantages and disadvantages of following me independently and staying with Massage Envy.

It’s going to be quite an exciting day.

After the Aflac meeting, I’m hoping to drive home, then hop on my bike and ride in to work. After work, I want to ride to the salsa lesson…I could use some blood pumping in my veins to start the week. Sadly, my Massage Envy career resembles the work shirts they gave me: falling apart with no move to improve upon them on their part. I haven’t had a replacement uniform in the over two years I’ve been with them! Sad.

I really want to be successful with Aflac. I have some ideas on how to inspire confidence and hope with small, local companies. I just need to talk to my soon-to-be managers and trainers.

To be honest, I have quite a bit of respect for them. As I’ve said before, it will be quite nice to have a manager who knows more about the industry I’m working in than I do. For 5+ years, my managers have known considerably less about massage than I. Changing careers is, I suppose, one way to switch it up some!

No witty titles

First thing’s first.

I officially accepted the invitation to join Aflac.

I go in Monday to get my study materials and figure out the next step in working for them and getting licensed.

This. Is. Huge. Or, as Joe Biden would put it, “It’s a big fucking deal.”

I bought some new pedals for my bike, double sided SPD pedals. I only bought them for the cleats, as they were $20, the same price as Shimano branded cleats. For those not in the know (I was one of them last week!), pedals come with their own cleats.

I’m now waiting for some shoes I ordered to come in, then I’ll return all of Cody’s stuff (bike and shoes). I have about 1.5-2 weeks before it all comes in.

They say everyone who rides clipless falls at some point. Well, I still haven’t fallen while riding clipless. That said, I did have a spill while adjusting the release tension in the pedals.

In the garage.

At a standstill…

Got that out of the way!

I’m excited to ride my Xtracycle clipless tomorrow. Maybe even tonight! The weather is gorgeous, 55º outside (Fahrenheit, not Celsius!). I intend to get to the pool tomorrow.

Speaking of exercise, I took Marco to the wash again today. First, we went for a run anywhere from 1.5-3 miles, not sure as I can’t google-map it out due to the fact it’s not on a road. Then we went down into the wash, I took off my shoes and socks, and we tromped around in the water. He had such a good time. I did, too. He really is a great dog. I wish I could take him off leash just to see how he would react on his own…someday…someday.

I’m so nervous for Monday. I hope I can ride my bike there to blow off some energy and get my brain working. I don’t really anticipate a problem with that. I’ll ask the manager…wait, no. He won’t be in until that day. I’ll just do it and hope for the best. Assuming I’m not too tired to bike that early on Monday. 8AM appointments can be difficult for me.

I’m really putting off editing photos. I need to get on it, but I’m too busy resting! Tomorrow…maybe. Sunday, definitely.

Post 27

See that?
That’s the cake I made for my birthday.

Sure, it collapsed in the center some, but it was damn good. From the bottom up it’s yellow cake (made from scratch!) with almond and vanilla extract, almond butter, and orange zest; homemade caramel; mama mia gelato (vanilla with cherry and chocolate) from Cafe Italiano in town; then ganache.


The day was spent with family. Lunch with Jacque, dad, dad’s fiancee, brother, and sis-in-law. Then we went to see half-sis in a Christian Youth Theater production of Tom Sawyer. She had her first lead role, which was quite exciting. She did quite well, I’m very proud of her. I don’t like the CYT group, though. Tom Sawyer isn’t about religion, it’s about things heavier and more important than transcribing a Christian bent on a story which took racism head on.

Fuck, just read the warning in the front of The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn!

That warning? Read below:

Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.
By order of the author


Anywho, then it was off to dinner with the family. Then karaoke, where Jacque and I dressed up and sang out hearts out.

I got to sing a few great rock songs (Stevie Ray Vaughn’s “Pride and Joy” and Billy Idol’s “Rebel Yell”) with the live band.

Then I went back to Jacque’s.

Woke up this morning, breakfast with the family. Rushed off and went to work. Now I’m back off to Jacque’s for some snuggling and warm-fuzzies before I have to carpe diem tomorrow.


I haven’t really had a chance to get caught up on my sleep. It really stinks. Feeling this worn down really gets to you.

I’m really tired of clients that run late, and then work tells me to accept them late at the detriment of my break time. I need a good amount of time to eat so as not to get sick. It’s quite frustrating to have someone pay for only an hour of your time but take an hour and half or more of it.

I’m not Massage Envy’s bitch, really. Right?

I’m still writing down questions for Aflac and getting my mind in the right place. Going to call them tomorrow to get the second interview underway.

Great photoshoot last night. We got some really great stuff. I need to get the proofs gallery up.

And here’s one of the shots from yesterday.

On sails and winds

I went to a networking group lunch today which I was invited to. Spent about 5 minutes there trying to get information about them and who was there and whatnot before plunking down a Hamilton and signing up.

I was interrupted too much to get that information, and then they tried to sign me up. No dice.

The people there seem to be predominately older (50+) and unhealthy. I don’t want to associate with that sort of crowd, as while they may know business, they don’t know the youth. I am interested in catering to athletes for my massage, this group didn’t seem to outwardly have that predisposition. Sadly, I won’t get to find out, as I’m too finicky to give money just to find out what I’m giving money too.

I had a really great interview with Aflac yesterday. They’re considering taking me on as one of their…representatives?…sales people?…field agents?… Well, one of their crew at least. I researched the company and like what they’re about. I believe in their product. I just need to ask them a few (15?) questions and figure out if it’s something I can put massage on the far back burner for.

I’m still sleep deprived. I woke up earlier than my body wanted to in order to make it to the waste-of-time lunch thing. It was even at a restaurant (Sakura) which I detest. The food is subpar and the business practices of the owner are more dubious than a Republican senator at a gay bar.

I really want to work out but have no energy. I think I’m going to fuel up and chill out, get my energy together for a photoshoot tonight. I’m helping get some promo materials for a fire group I work with.

Gonna go pull myself together.