Letter to the editor
I wrote a letter to the editor of our local paper today. I hope it gets published.
Copy of it follows:
I am disappointed in the Star’s coverage of the protests against SB1070. When I attended the protest the very first day, I did not see a single Mexican flag. I did see at least 5 American flags at one point. There were cars full of supporters driving loops around us waving American flags. We even chanted “USA, USA, USA” and “Viva los Estados Unidos” at many points.
As a born citizen of this country, I am offended and frightened by the prospect of having to carry identification saying I was born here. It reminds me of a sort of oppression that my great-grandparents fled from in the 1940’s. I’d sooner be arrested for not showing proof of citizenship while out for a run or ride than succumbing to the powers that be, who presume me to not be a part of the country I love, based on my skin tone.
Edward Arriola