More good stuffs!
Life continues to be entertaining
Good stuffs
Wow, I’m really not updating this as much as I would like to.Jacque and I broke up a while ago. A good while ago. We’re still really close and I’m terribly glad to have her as a friend. We run into each other a lot and go out a lot still, but the...
A month!
It’s been over a month since I wrote!In that month Jacque and I have gone on a hiatus.I’ve had breakthroughs in salsa dancing.I realized how out of shape I am after starting with Aflac.I’ve started changing that last sentence.I’ve done a few...
On updates
I really don’t update this as much as I’d like. Ideally, I’d go for 2-3 times a week, even though nobody reads it. I’m just so tired and busy lately.Work is slow. It’s hard to get established and it’s hard for me to get going --...
Too long
Wow, it’s been too long since I’ve written.Yesterday was Jacque and my fifth month. I’m so excited to have shared five months of life and emotion and trust with someone so amazing as her. I really am.I made my first sale through Aflac last week. I...
Letter to the editor
I wrote a letter to the editor of our local paper today. I hope it gets published.Copy of it follows:I am disappointed in the Star’s coverage of the protests against SB1070. When I attended the protest the very first day, I did not see a single Mexican...