
Ki Teitzei, 5784

Ki Teitzei, 5784

Deuteronomy 21:10 - 25:19Isaiah 54:1-10 Devarim Chapter 23, verses 13 and 14 tell us: “And you shall have a designated place outside the camp, so that you can go out there [to use it as a privy]. And you shall keep a stake in addition to your gear; and it shall be,...

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Korach, 5784

Korach, 5784

Numbers 16:1-18:32Samuel 11:14-12:22 There’s a lot to glean from this parshah. I think of the spies, which I have a lot to say about. Maybe I can get in early for next year. And how the going against Moses and G-d can relate to this. I think of Pinchas at the end of...

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Behar, 5784

Behar, 5784

Behar, 5784Leviticus 25:1-26:2 I spoke about Behar in 2015. The topic I focused on was the commandment not to sell land beyond what could be reclaimed. In that drash I spoke about the Rosemont Mine and Lake Mead. About how the mine had been promised to use less water...

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Shemini 5784

Shemini 5784

SheminiLeviticus 9:1-11:47Ezekiel 45:16-46:18 Who wants to hear another drash about strange fire? I sure don’t feel like giving one. So let’s talk about something else instead. Being raised by a parrothead, I often look at life through the late Jimmy Buffett’s lyrics....

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5784, Terumah

5784, Terumah

Exodus 25:1-27:19  Here we have another parsha that is less narrative and more instruction. And I like that. Just as we have four children and different answers for them during the Passover seder, we have different narrative styles for different people and different...

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5784, Vaera

5784, Vaera

Exodus 6:2-9:35 There’s much I can say to this parasha. The idea of escaping the corruption of the city for wilderness especially speaks to me. But today I want to focus on something else. We learned last week that Pharaoh intentionally made the Israelites’ work more...

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