
Faith, Family, Business: A Rant

“Faith, Family, then Business” That’s the credo of many motivational speakers, company leaders, and frontmen. It is also phrased as “G-d, family, then work.” It is how they tell you to prioritize your life in order to achieve success. I...
D’var B’reshit, 5775

D’var B’reshit, 5775

Professor Ido Kantor, of Bar-Ilan University, teaches such things as condensed matter physics, phase transitions, theory of neural networks, and quantum spin systems. These are all things which deal with Bereshit. From the explosion of creation of the light and dark...
Devarim, 5774

Devarim, 5774

This is the text of the d’var Torah I gave for Shabbat Chazon on 8/2/14. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak says of Shabbat Chazon, the “Shabbat of Vision”, each and every one of us is granted a vision of the third temple. Both temples were destroyed on Tisha b’Av and, this...

US Health Advisors

I met with a representative from US Health Advisors.  They’re pretty anti-Affordable Care Act and base their marketing on that.  That, however, is beside the point. The guy I met with said “they got into business because of Obamacare”; that people...

World Ventures: in depth

I caught a lot of flak from my last blog post among my networking groups.  There are a bunch of World Ventures representatives in almost every group that I meet with.  Heck, they’re so saturated that, often times, there are upwards of three representatives at a...